NorthWoods Now

The latest news from our corner of the cosmos...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Baby Robin

It's often said that "the early bird gets the worm". For nestling robins, the big yellow mouth gets the worm, and this one shouldn't go hungry any time soon! American robins are nothing if not industrious and the nest shown here was constructed under a protective eave at NorthWoods - on the handlebars of a hanging mountain bike.

According to the Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas, breeding “safe dates” for robins in Vermont are May 1st to September 5th. This designation implies that robins seen within these dates are most likely on territory and may be breeding. Birds seen outside of these dates, on the other hand, could be migrants. Robins regularly produce two broods and have been known to produce as many as three broods in a breeding season.

If you are a birdwatcher and are interested helping with the Breeding Bird Atlas in Orleans County, contact Jayson Benoit at NorthWoods for further details.

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