NorthWoods Now

The latest news from our corner of the cosmos...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

First wave of spring...

Over the past few days spring has made its debut- even here in the cold North Country! In her first vernal pool monitoring of the spring, Melissa’s tromp through 10” of lingering snow was rewarded by an early chorus of wood frogs at our most distant pool. The first wood frog egg masses were seen this morning in the pond in front of the Center. Yesterday’s very warm breezes also brought us the first pine warbler of the season, who treated us to a short song as he fueled up on insects at the forest edge. This morning’s new arrivals included a male palm warbler- with his brilliant chestnut cap, and several Myrtle (yellow-rumped) warblers. Later, the action heated up with an adult bald eagle spotted by V over the Center - in hot pursuit of an osprey. Both of these species have become increasingly common over the past few years and ospreys successfully fledged at least one nestling last summer along the Clyde River.

Last Friday four tom (male) turkeys were strutting their stuff in the farm fields along route 105 in East Charleston – trying to catch the eye of fifteen accompanying hens. This loud and energetic display went on for at least 30 minutes, before the birds became camera shy and headed for the cover of the nearby woods.

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